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We are an energetic group of nearly 55 members of all ages, who all support Rotary International's motto of Service Above Self. Rotary is an opportunity to build life-long friendships with Rotarians locally and around the world and experience the personal fulfillment of helping others.
We are proud to have new daddy ANDREW SPRETER as our 2024-2025 Club President. We enjoy his youthful energy and always need more members like him!
There are over 46,000 member clubs worldwide, with a membership of 1.4 million committed individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of others by bringing together their expertise, skills, resources, and above all, heart.
This year's theme emphasizes the idea that by working together, Rotarians can perform "magic" in their communities, bringing hope and joy to those in need.
Fairport Rotary Club is a diverse group of committed people with a variety of talents who have fun working together to make a significant and positive impact through service to our community and the world.
The motto of all Rotarians is "Sevice Above Self". It reminds Rotarians to think of how they can help others, to do something good for their neighbors, and place other's interests above their own.
Our meetings are on Mondays, with the first Monday of the month usually being a luncheon meeting. Nightly meetings are mostly at EagleVale from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We try to schedule at least one social or community event each month.
See our Calendar and Contact Us pages to be our guest at one of our meetings .
If you'd like to be a guest speaker, please contact President-Elect MaryBeth Christiansen at
Fairport Rotary Club provides funding assistance to charitable organizations with special financial needs. We evaluate and select recipients twice a year, in the fall and again in the spring.
We donate on average to 32 charities annually, most recently Vertical Boost, Spirit NYS, Pirate Toy Fund, and Happy Birthday ChaChaCha, to name a few. We continue to fund charities that apply and meet our criteria for funding. See how else we help our community under the "What We Do" tab!
Fairport Rotarians are strong believers in Rotary's Motto Service Above Self. They are also strong believers of Rotary's Four-Way Test, which is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.
We strive to apply Rotary's Four-Way Test in all we say and do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The addition of a Privacy Policy and a Cookie Banner to Fairport Rotary Club's website complies with recent changes in laws in California/USA, the European Union and other jurisdictions.
This Privacy Policy covers the type of data Fairport Rotary Club collects, or has authorized their website's host to collect on their behalf, or has been told is being collected on their behalf.
Currently the only data Fairport Rotary Club's website host shares with Fairport Rotary are 1) the number of times our Charitable Giving packet has been downloaded and 2) the number of page views in the past 7 days and the past 30 days.
Fairport Rotary Club's website's host tells us they collect data to optimize Fairport Rotary's page loading speed. The website host has never shared this data or the page loading speed with Fairport Rotary Club.
Fairport Rotary Club has the option to collect additional data and has chosen not to do so. Should this change, the Cookie banner will reappear noting a change and allow website visitors to opt out of some or all portions of the new data collection.
Contact Fairport Rotary Club's webmaster through our Contact Us page if you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy.
This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies. Our Privacy Policy, at the bottom of our Home page, covers the data we collect.